Mental health, a major national cause in France for 2025

Workplace Mental Health Workshop

Why Talk About Mental Health at Work?

Mental Health: A Key Pillar of Our Overall Well-Being

Mental health is not a fixed state but a dynamic process influenced by our personal, professional, and societal environments. Yet, it remains a taboo subject, despite its direct impact on our quality of life and collective performance.

🔹 A Concerning Reality

  • Only 56% of employees consider themselves to have good mental health.
  • It is the leading cause of long-term sick leave.
  • 40% of adults have experienced a mental health disorder. *
  • Every year, 1 in 5 people is affected.*

🔹 A Heavy Silence

  • Only 11% feel comfortable discussing it with a colleague.*
  • 70% of employees under 30 wish for better support.

Sources: WHO, Great Place To Work (2024), Observatoire Santé Odoxa-MNH (2024), Malakoff Humanis Barometer (2023)

Trois personnes se tiennent debout à côté d'un tableau à feuilles mobiles dans un cadre professionnel. Une femme dessine un graphique linéaire illustrant les tendances liées à la santé mentale en entreprise tandis que deux hommes observent, plongés dans leurs pensées.
A Collaborative Workshop

The workshop to address mental health at work

Why organize a workshop in the workplace?

Fostering a culture of prevention: Raising awareness and breaking the stigma around mental health

Better understanding: Helping managers and employees better understand mental health disorders

Strengthening cohesion and inclusion: Encouraging dialogue and collective support

Un cercle de personnes assises sur l'herbe avec les mains et les pieds tendus vers le centre, favorisant la santé mentale en entreprise par la connexion et la pleine conscience.
Deux mains, tenant chacune une pièce de puzzle blanche, se rapprochent l’une de l’autre comme pour relier les pièces – un geste symbolique soulignant l’importance d’intégrer la santé mentale en entreprise pour un milieu de travail harmonieux.

Who can lead a workshop
to address mental health at work:
Everyone is concerned and involved

Executive Committee
Engage decision-makers for a strategic vision of health prevention.

Involve HR teams, at the heart of employees’ mental health challenges.

Equip them to prevent risks and support vulnerabilities.

Provide them with key prevention tools.

Create a meaningful learning experience and strengthen cohesion.

The benefits

✅ Gain a comprehensive understanding of mental health.
✅ Understand the key factors that influence it.
✅ Discover concrete solutions for prevention.
✅ Break the stigma and shift perspectives on mental health disorders.
✅ Encourage dialogue and foster a culture of support in the workplace.

bénéfices de la santé mentale au travail
Des personnes travaillant en collaboration sur un projet avec des papiers, des stylos et un smartphone sur la table, favorisant un environnement qui privilégie la santé mentale en entreprise.

The workshop steps

1️⃣ Exploration → Understand the challenges of mental health.
2️⃣ Interaction → Structure the discussion using 40 concept cards.
3️⃣Taking action → Initiate a reflection on solutions tailored to your organization.

How to contact us

For a personalized quote, please provide the following information: